Plant Based Baby

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Resource Round Up

I absolutely love youtube. I started subscribing to inspirational channels around the time my son was born because while I mostly stayed present and off my phone for nursing and snuggling, he’d also have many hours asleep on me and when I couldn’t sleep myself, I loved watching little, 5-20 minute clips. I never really knew how much time I had so these sound bites of wisdom and fun were really great for me.

As I think about it now, they truly have changed my life. For example, I actually didn’t really know much about Montessori principles until I came upon The Hidden Gem. I learned so much about Montessori at home and the philosophy overall. And, Gemma recommended the book The Montesorri Toddler by Simone Davies which was incredibly helpful, and beautiful, and an easy read that taught me so much.

And, after being a vegetarian for 20+ years, activist Ellen Fisher, along with her sister, Hannah McNeely, truly changed my perspective and are why I converted to plant-based a few months ago. Hannah recommended Pick Up Limes and holy smokes, as Sadia says, have I gained so much plant-based cooking inspiration and dietitian advice. I love her channel so much. It’s like a little bit of peace and calm and a whole lot of mouth watering deliciousness.

And speaking of peace, I also absolutely love Do It On A Dime. Katherine is a gem. She is so down to earth and real and speaks from her heart. She is not vegan, plant-based or a Montessori follower but she is a former teacher and mother and has incredible DIY and budget friendly projects. She is lovely. The common thread? All of these channels are so real. They are authentic people, speaking from the heart. And I absolutely love them. So those round out my favorite resources to date. I hope you check them out and subscribe to get all of the love in your feed as well.

What are your favorite parenting, plant-based, vegan, montessori, etc etc resources? I’d love to hear. Post in the comments below.

Resource Round Up Recap

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